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Sustainable packaging design – why you should consider it?

The New Normal

In response to the growth of the eco-friendly movement, people are becoming more conscientious of how the products they use are manufactured. From sustainable packaging design to production, packaging, and distribution. Operating in an environmentally and socially responsible manner is becoming more critical.

74% of consumers are reportedly willing to pay more for a sustainable packaging design.

2020 Global buying green report

As consumer behaviour is increasingly showing a demand for responsibly sourced goods. Consumers demand transparency, and industries are being completely reshaped by their choices. Therefore sustainable packaging has become a vital factor of the manufacturing of new products.

The solution? Sustainable packaging design.

Use less plastic

By 2040, the amount of plastic waste in the ocean could triple unless we take action now. However, some scientists believe that if we reduce plastic production and use alternative materials, we could reduce this by up to 80%!

Questioning the use of plastic in your packaging is a great place to start when tackling the task of creating sustainable packaging. Therefore by considering the use of other more eco-friendly materials, you’re already on the road to reducing your carbon footprint!

However if plastic is truly an essential for your packaging wrap. Consider using plant-based plastics that are compostable, or 100% recycled plastic.

Use recyclable materials in sustainable packaging design

A great way to address sustainable packaging design is the use of recyclable packaging materials. For example cardboard is a great alternative to plastic. Due to it being a biodegradable material and easily recyclable by the consumer. Furthermore, due to its reduced waste generation from using leftover paper pulp. Cardboard also has a lower environmental impact during production.

Incorporate multi-use packaging

An innovative approach to sustainable packaging design is the utilisation of multi-use packaging. Including a huge range of possibilities, multi-use packaging aims to create a circular consumption model for the use and subsequent re-use of the packaging.

Sustainable Packaging Design Ideas for 2022 Visual

Brands have already implemented multi-use packaging in the form of refillable candles, refillable glass bottles, and reusable shopping bags. Likewise, cardboard packaging can also be used to create children’s toys and storage containers.

What’s next?

For more information about sustainable packaging solutions, contact us.


Hive Arrow Trigger Solutions

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