Have Your Say! campaign banners

Have Your Say! – Mini Case Study

Salford City Council

Salford Neighbourhood Management Campaign

To raise awareness of the Neighbourhood Management scheme and ensure residents know they have the right to be involved in decision-making in their area. The aims were to encourage residents to attend community committee meetings and to actively contribute to decisions made in, and for, their neighbourhood. The campaign needed to be clear and informative.

Our solution to the brief was the ‘Have your say!’ campaign. We featured shots of people from each local community holding the ‘Have your say!’ speech bubbles, giving a clear and immediate message of the intent of the project. The concept is simple, inclusive and very campaignable across all the areas of Salford.

Marketing materials:
As part of the campaign a range of posters, ads, information packs and banners were created. For the information packs the concept was easily adapted by changing the key colour of the pack and speech bubble  to differentiate the areas of Salford. Each set of images also used local people and were shot at locations that were recognisably from each area. This strengthened the core message of ‘Have your say!’ and getting people involved in decision making in their local area.

Find out more about our Literature and Advertising projects.

Have Your Say! campaign materials

Have Your Say! campaign materials
